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Music and Choir
David Lingensjo is the principal musician at St. Paul's.
Our organist is Vicki Hamilton.
The Choir Director is Carol Arneson.
Lay Ministry
Lay Ministers are needed at St. Paul’s.
Please contact the leaders of each ministry if you are interested in joining.
Altar Guild: Vicki Hamilton
Counters: Mary DeFelice Readers: Judy McPhail
Communion Assistants: Judy McPhail Greeters: Ruth Fitzgerald
Acolytes: Clay Woslum and Greg Griffith
Coffee Guru: Jean Opperman
Youth Ministry
The youth meet on the first and third Sunday of the month after Bible Study.
If you are interested in helping St. Paul’s Youth Group, consider becoming part of this ministry. Please get in touch with Traci Angel at 775 721-5495.
Property and Design Committee
If you would like to join this ministry, please contact Clay Woslum at 775 883-7748.
WELCA Bible Study
Vicki Hamilton leads a Bible Study on this first Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
If you have questions about WELCA meetings, please call Linda Wilson at 775 241-9005 or Charlotte LaCombe at 775 721-0514.
Worship Life
Please contact Judy McPhail at
775 508-6872.
Card Ministry
Would you like to brighten someone's day? Then join the card ministry. Greeting cards are sent to our elderly, shut-ins, and those who have loved ones in the military. Please contact Marla Johnson at 775 883-7982
The Stitchers
Quilting Ministry
Stitchers meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday
of each month in Friendship Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
No experience is required!